Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Chennai - Slowly I become a local girl ;) - India-part 4

Chennai became more and more familiar to me. I knew how to get to the local train station, where the important shops were and how to deal with the chaotic traffic around central station. The guy with the fruit stall infront of our hotel recognized me already, the shop keepers weren´t too surprised anymore to see me.. so slowly I became kind of a local girl.

Compared to Kerala, Chennai is polluted, loud, crowded and sticky. The heat was a challange for me always but somehow I beared it and got used to it. Well.. at least a little. ;)

But Chennai isn´t so bad as many reports are telling. Yes, it´s not the cleanest city and it doesn´t have too many attraction poles for tourists either. But it treated me well and I started to like it.

One of the first places where Shree took me, was the Shopping mall Express Avenue. Well, he thought I might feel super comfortable there, like home because it´s just like every usual western shopping mall.
It was nice indeed and the thing I enjoyed the most was the A/C ;)  and an iced coffee.

Coffee time :) 

But I haven´t come to India to just spend time in western shopping malls, because.. I´m used to them. ;)
I was more interested in markets, small stores and shops.

Nevertheless it was interesting to see the indian youngsters there, running around in their western clothes. That was the place I saw girls in short skirts for the first time in India. Their behaviour was different than what I had experienced so far, more western... I wouldn´t say modern. But also a bit snobbish..
Many were just talking in english with eachother, just like that would show their education and living standards. I was surprised about that.
Yes, I know that Indians aren´t talking in one language only.. and that there are many more languages than Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam.. etc..
But somehow I had the feeling that they talked a bit louder when I was close to them. Maybe to impress the western Madam??
Well.. let me tell you. That´s not necessary at all ;))

Shy guys.. :P 

In that shopping mall also a cinema was included and so we used that oportunity to watch a movie. I always wanted to go into a theater in India.
Lucky as usual we picked the Hindi movie because it had english subtitles and so we ended up watching "Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola", which I enjoyed a lot.

I had a lot of fun even while ordering the soft drinks and popcorn because the guys which were working there were just starring at me and when I started the counter attack with my camera, they became shy.;)
Oh and never ever before I have seen so many commercials for jewelery like their in cinema. It was never ending and even jewelery for children is a huge thing there. I´m not talking about Helllo Kitty plastic stuff.. no.. real heavy gold .. Guess birthday gifts are an expensive thing in India. ;)


At one floor was a huge food court and we also had lunch there once. Rice noodles with chicken and rasam (explanation here). A bit spicy but once you get used to it it´s really tasty.
Though not the best food I had in India ;)

We strolled around there and here you can see some of the pics:

Bling, bling, bling :))

We also made a guided city tour, which wasn´t too exciting but still a good amusement.Our hotel was surrounded by travel agencies and one day a guy just bumped into us and asked us if we would like to make a tour. We agreed and fixed it for the next day. That guide made sure that I felt comfortable and even when there was a temple where I wasn´t allowed in, he showed us some shopping stores where I could spend some time.
I don´t know if he got a share from that store but I don´t care actually. He did a good job.

First stopp was Marina beach which is quite famous since it´s a huge beach area with stalls and people like to spend time there. It´s pretty crowded and not too clean, but that doens´t stop people from walking around, riding horses or just strolling along the stalls.


It was around 10 or 11 am and already quite crowded everywhere. 
The people there were busy already, preparing their goods and the food items to get ready to sell it.  

 Some people of our tour group.

As usual it was really hot.
So the windy beach was a good chance to cool down a bit. If there wouldn´t have been those guys who were begging you to buy something or asking you to go for a horse ride.
But well, it´s their job so you have to bear with it.
When I saw that horses I felt bad for them since they were so gaunt. 

There were many stalls with shells but their prices were too much. But then one guy came to us with his bags full of shells.
We choosed a nice one for me and the price of 350 Rupees ( 4,90 Euro/ 6,40 USD) got fixed soon.

Something I really enjoyed was the fresh fish which was available there. 
Just choose a piece and they will fry it infront of you and they had been so yummie.. 
Just too good. :))

We also went there again once in the evenings and had a plate which costs 65 Rupees. (90 Euro cent/ 1,20 USD) 
What a good and cheap snack!   

 One of our next stops was the Shiva temple.

No matter if I already had seen many of the south Indian Temples.. I was and am still fascinated by that Gopurams.  

Since I wasn´t allowed to enter it, because I´m not a Hindu, I just looked around a bit. Some children tried to sell their stuff and even offered us cotton swabs. Well, you never known when you need to clean your ears next, right?
You get everything everywhere in India. ;)))
Before I felt bored, the guide brought us to a clothes store. I bought some material and since it was a goverment shop, the prices were very moderate. Even the other people of our tour agreed that the price was really good. They must know.. ;)

street infront of the Temple

Time for a coconut :) 

The Shree Rama Krishna Temple - Mandir of Swami Vivekananda was our next stop and it looks really beautiful. Don´t you agree? 

The people inside were praying and meditating so it was very peaceful and quite. A every special moment unfortunately not too long for us.
I would have loved to spend some more time there.

We also visited the snake park in Chennai. Well.. I never saw so many artificial aligators in my life before ;P
I haven´t taken any pictures there because I´m not a a big fan of reptiles at all.

And the last stop was the Chennai Government Museum. Since the entrance fee for foreigners were much higher again than for Indians, I refused to visit it. ;)  I´m anyways not a big museum goer and the others were back so fast that I doubt it was enough time to see everything.
But the area was nice and calm and I enjoyed the breeze while we were sitting on a bench infront of it.


Our tour bus

That was already the end of our small Chennai tour and it was high time for lunch. Well, a late lunch but one of the best ever, thanks to the guides recommendation:

Rice with different gravies, spinach and corn served on a banana leaf

This was another dream come true moment when they served this lunch and Shree was happy that he could fulfil me that dream. I´m so easy to please, right? ;))
But I´m a food lover and indian food is my weakness....

As I mentioned, we also went to the beach in the evenings...sunset, cool breeze, good food....and....lot´s of people. Some of them even asked me to take a picture with them. It felt weird but I´m a nice girl, so... smile :)
Maybe I could use it next time to make some money. 50 Rupees per picture? ;)

Chennai beach in the evening and other impressions:


Chennai University
while having some fish, they were sitting next to me :))
Skywalk shopping mall 
constructions going on 

Cow ahead

Mirch Pakoda

Local train, always crowded


  1. Very nice blog and indeed very nice clicks. Hope you enjoyed your stay in India. Thank you !!!!!

    1. Thank you! Yes, I enjoeyed it immensely! Missing it quite a lot. :)


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